Sunday, September 29, 2013

Irrational thoughts

I’m afraid of silver tooth brushes, 2 lb weights, and Disney princesses. I’m afraid of blue jeans, cut off sleeves, and my mom’s homemade spaghetti. I’m afraid of blondes, window seals, and floral bedding. I’m afraid of playing 4-square, door knobs, and multiple juices mixed into one. I’m afraid of avatars, black & white movies, and books shorter than 98 pages. I’m afraid of Barbie dolls and salted swimming pools. I’m afraid of perfectly chiseled jaws and brown eyes. I’m afraid of captain crunch, maple syrup drippings, and watermelon seeds. I’m afraid of Popsicle sticks, long naps, and wilted roses. I’m afraid of red umbrellas and polka-dotted rain boots. I’m afraid of playing rock paper scissors because I hate paper cuts. I’m afraid of yellow nail polish and pale skin. I’m afraid of my own teddy bear and how Justin Bieber sags his pants. I’m afraid of bleeding the color ORANGE.


  1. I like this. I can't say I'm afraid of any of those things, especially for the same reason you are. I think that's why I like it so much. Because you can feel that it all kind of ties together in the back somewhere. You're describing instead of listing.

    I like it.

  2. I like your background a lot too. And I think the pen name is pretty genius. I love Grace Kelly.

    I wonder if you're a boy.

  3. "Im afraid of captain crunch"

    #stolen #metoo #hurtsmymouth

  4. "Im afraid of captain crunch"

    #stolen #metoo #hurtsmymouth

  5. "I’m afraid of bleeding the color ORANGE."

    that would be a little freaky...

  6. but captain crunch is so good...

    "I'm afraid of blondes" #stolen

  7. Love this. Top 5 nominee.

  8. "I’m afraid of perfectly chiseled jaws and brown eyes."
